Category: Digital shift
Journalism needs you: A speech to college journalists
When I was invited to deliver a keynote during the National College Journalism Convention in Los Angeles Feb. 28, I wanted most of all to encourage young people not to listen to dumb arguments against choosing journalism. We need good people in journalism. And while it’s not an easy business, there are jobs. In fact, it’s hard…
Journalism art and craft, Pulitzer edition!/jcstearns/status/191599767246209026 Josh Stearns (@jcstearns) has been talking today with a few folks on Twitter about community needs and journalism, drawing me and others in. It got me thinking about that ongoing question of what defines successful journalism — quality — in 2012. For too many journalists, still, quality is defined by peer recognition. This is…
Lost in translation (by web bots?)
I’m new to WordPress blogging and have been surprised (sorry, naive) by the level of spam in commenting. I’ve approved 15 comments or pingbacks to my last post but have three or four times as many spam responses. Fortunately, I’m moderating comments. But one in particular was amusing — a “translation,” if you can call…